Monday, August 27, 2007

Chickee wants a blanket

Chickee reminded me that I haven't made her anything lately. I took her up to my crochet office and directed her to the drawers she could choose yarn from, and this is what she chose! I was going to show you what I'm making, but you know I do this all the time... I start a project totally just making something just for fun, and then I start to like it, really like it. And this one is turning out to be kind of innovative. So then I start thinking...maybe I could sell it. Because once I sold my first design, I'm totally hooked. I am addicted to the thrill of selling my designs. So now, I'm making this project for Chickee, and I'm thinking, how can I make this for her, and sell it at the same time? I guess I'll just have to propose it with photos instead of the swatch, write out all the instructions so that I can make it again (if it sells). Oh, and I'm thinking I'm going to conveniently "forget" one of the colors! Which one? One of them screams out to me, "one of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn't belong!" Where is that quote from? Does anyone know? Is is Sesame Street?

Anyway, because you have been so patient, I will let you have a sneak peek of the project that I just shipped on Friday.

There it is :)

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