Wednesday, July 22, 2009

100+ and Quotes for Success

I have hit a personal milestone. I was leafing through my "sold binder" the other day, where I keep track of what sold, who bought it, where it ended up, how much and if I got paid, etc. I also keep photos of each project there. I started counting. Over 100 patterns! What a thrill. Unfortunately, you haven't seen them all, because some of them never got published or went to print (that I'm aware of). A few were on display at yarn industry conferences or the yarn was discontinued so it never got used.

A quote for you from the Motivations calendar:

Perseverance "Barely hanging on and ahead by a mile both mean that you're in the game."

On an unrelated note, above is a photo of how much yarn can be sucked up by a vacuum cleaner after 1, 2, 3 aaaggghhhh! seconds. 18 yards.


  1. Over 100 patterns!!! That is GREAT!

    ~ Susan

  2. Love the vacuum pic - what a hoot!
