Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No Joke!

March was a huge, busy, thrilling, stressful, exciting, hopeful month. Thanks for hanging in there with me! Let's get back to business:

The Horizon Tote pattern is coming. My helper had an issue that delayed us a little, but it's not her fault, because clearly I was a huge part in the delay. But it's coming, I haven't forgotten.

The First Communion Dress hasn't been touched in like a month. Instead, I bought a tiara/veil and assembled them, ordered and mailed the invitations, and we began discussing the menu. We've also had meetings and banners to create. It's a big deal for Chickee and she is very excited.

I got to give my acceptance speech on Getting Loopy for my 'Flamie' award on 3/30. You can hear it here on archives if you missed it.

What else is new? Chief has been busy making more birdhouses. I'm just thrilled that he has found something that interests him that is NOT on the computer. Still, he can only make these with Captain's help.


  1. AWESOME! You made the front cover!!! *Hugs*

    I bet you were sooo excited?! I know I would be!
