Monday, April 6, 2009

I'll be on Yarn Thing Tuesday night, April 7th

Marly Bird of the Yarn Thing has invited me to be a guest on her live Blog Talk Radio show Tuesday night, April 7th at 9pm Mountain, 10 pM Central, 11pm Eastern. If you can't listen to the show when it airs live, you'll be able to listen to it on archives. It's free. I don't know if you have to register to listen to a show? If you are already registered, because you listen to Getting Loopy with Mary Beth Temple, then you are good to go to listen to YarnThing as well. You won't need a new password and username.

Marly has already interviewed Candi Jensen and Kristin Omdahl. If you missed those episodes, you can listen to them on archives too. Marly herself is a published crochet and knit designer with some great stuff she's made the past year or two since she came on the scene.

The photo is of me and Marly and designer, Jill Wright, at TNNA in Columbus, OH in June 2008. There is a thread started at the YarnThing group on Ravelry.

I'm making progress on the Super Speedy Shrug. I'll try and post about it tomorrow.

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