Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Me and Chief

Here is me and Chief at Totter-Otterville. His school had a fieldtrip. It's actually inside a toy store. This is him telling me that he's hungry and he can't wait for our turn to have lunch. So what do mom's do when the child is bored and grumpy? We go through our purse to find whatever will entertain. I found the camera, and it bought us 5 more minutes!

I've got some exciting projects coming down the pipeline my friends! I can't wait to tell you about them. There's a little Alpaca coming, a little linen, a little wool, a little corn fiber! Fun stuff!

What else is new? My elbow is giving me the twinges just a bit. I had been working with an "E" hook feverishly for days, so I took a break and went to a lovely, voluptuous "L" hook. Ahhh, my elbow said, what a nice change. My favorite hook is an "I" or maybe a "J", anything smaller than a "G" feels like a stretch.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Me Crocheting

Yep, it's me, crocheting. A typical afternoon in our household. The cat was reluctantly willing to sit next to me after pushing him off my lap several times.

This is that TLC Cotton Plus I showed you a photo of awhile back, so it's an in-process photo.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sneak Peek

I can hear you yelling into your computer, "Go! Go! Go!" , so here's another sneak peek from the vault.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What was that? you said? Sneak Peek

What? You said you want more unsung sneak peeks from 2006 that still have not seen the light of day? Ok, here you are!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Still Waiting some more....

Really, these were designs that should have been published over a year ago. Here's another sneak peek of one of the 8 that are still on deck.

Congratulations to my pal, Robyn Chachula, who among other great things in her future, now has her first Book available for pre-order with Amazon. Published by Interweave Press, her book includes symbols for instructions and should be a real ground-breaking book in the crochet world. Check out her blog at Crochet by Faye for the press release and further information, or look on the right margin for My new 'Favorites' Book list, scroll through the pages, you'll find Robyn's book and other great crochet books.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Still Waiting....

Another sneak peek back from 2006.... Where are these designs? Are they sitting in storage somewhere gathering dust, unnoticed, unloved, unable to speak for themselves. They would say, "I'm here! I'm ready for my close up!" alas, I wish I still owned them so that I could show them to you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I'm getting better about waiting...really. However, I sold several designs in 2006 that have never seen the light of day! I feel sad that they have not gotten the attention they deserve! yes, I've been paid, but no one has seen them, ever! What a waste! Probably, some of the yarns have been discontinued by now. Ugh. Why does this make me sad? Here is a sneak peek of one of them, maybe that will make me feel better.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Internet Radio Show

Author, crochet and knit designer Mary Beth Temple is hosting a new internet talk radio show on CROCHET!!! YaY! It's first episode is today, 4/22/8, click here for more information. I'm going to be listening in! She's got great guests lined up, Amy O'Neill Houck, Doris Chan, and Crocheting With Dee's Dee Stanziano are all scheduled.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Myra Wood's new book

Myra Wood has a gorgeous new book out, and here it is.

Creative Crochet Lace: A Freeform Look at Classic Crochet (Paperback)by Myra Wood (Author), Woodworks Editions (Editor). The photography is great, using a variety of beautifully sized models. I enjoyed her explanations of the different types of freeform crochet. I can totally see now, how some of these freeform projects are 'built'. It really opened my mind to construction possibilities. I also was happily surprised by the brief profiles of other freeform crochet artists in the back. Very cool. Great job Myra! It's a beautiful book.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sneak peek

A teeny sneak peek at a teeny project. Good news and bad news, my friends. The Bad news is that I won't be able to go to the Chain Link in July in NH after all. The Good news is that the reason I can't go is because, I'm TOO BUSY with Crochet! Woohoo. More details to come.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sneak Peek

Ok, this isn't really fair is it? It's a Sneaky Sneak Peek. yep, it's a "FreeForm" project! And you'll never guess how these scrumbles are going to come together. Want to learn more about FreeForm? On the right, under Great Sites to See, go visit Myra Wood and Margaret Hubert, or Google Prudence Mapstone. All three of them are also on Ravelry.

WOOOOAAAAHHHH, we just had an earthquake! Literally. Let's go see what damage that did to our cliff! First, the power went out at like 2:30am and was off until 4:00, the kids woke up, both upset without their night lights. Then we finally all get back to sleep and about 5:30am the house started shaking. My DH, the architect, gets up to feel the walls. It was about 180 miles from here. I don't think we have any damage, I'll go ask the construction workers who are fixing our road later.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

quotes. I must be destined for greatness haha

Albert Schweitzer:
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

I must be destined for greatness, because I love, love, love crochet. When I first started designing professionally, one of our friends asked me, "Won't crocheting for a business kill your love for it?" and I said, "nope, I love everything about it, and I don't even mind most of the business tasks". And it's still true. I remember as a kid I would play "office" where I would make up forms, and staple stuff and file stuff... of course my Mom was a secretary. Anyway, all that practice has come in handy, because I do indeed make forms, and staple stuff and file stuff.

Quick! Back to work, the Supervisor is watching!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I thought that I wasn't a fan of Berroco yarns. I was wrong. I had always associated Berroco yarns with novelty yarns, of which I am not a huge fan. I, again, was wrong. I'm sorry Berroco. You have beautiful yarns and here's three of them to prove it. Love It Is a Cotton/Acrylic/Polyester Blend, very nice.

Berroco Pure Merino
Is also very nice with 100% Extra Fine Merino wool. The Cranberry colored sneak peek is the Pure Merino DK weight. but the actual finished item for publication is in a different yarn, this one is for ME! WooHoo!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ravelry: browse patterns for knit and crochet

Ravelry: browse patterns for knit and crochet

Now what would happen if I published This?

Note, on the left, if it comes up, is the most active recent patterns on Ravelry, and what is on #5? Hmmm, the Tunisian Lace Ascot! yay!

Thanks for letting me experiment.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Ooooh, all together now "Ahhh"... This yarn is fantastic. It is 100% Alpaca, it's called "Royal" from Blue Sky Alpacas. I admit, I left it in it's hanks and petted it lovingly for a couple weeks before I finally wound it into usable balls. Isn't it gorgeous? I wish your computer had "feel-o-vision" so you could feel how soft it is. I haven't made anything with it, it deserves just the right project. Maybe a scarf or a shawl, or a shrug, something that hugs the skin and is for pure luxury. It is put up in 100g/288yd hanks and it's small, 6-7 stitches per inch, so smaller than a sportweight. At $39.00 per hank (eeek) the right special project is a must. You can buy it online here at River Colors Yarn Studio I have never bought items from them before, but they have some great lines of yarn, so if you buy from them, drop me a line and tell me how your experience was.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

quotes for success Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln:
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.

Of course, when you're a cat, and what you want more than anything is the sticky tab stuck to Ellen's crochet instructions, what's most important is, oh never mind, he lost interest.

See, this is what you get when I'm not quite ready to share more sneak peeks, you get cat photos. Never fear, more sneak peeks are on the way later this month.

Friday, April 11, 2008

cliff, no cliff...

Allow me to go off-topic today. We live on a cliff. Really, a cliff. We got record rain in March, leading to the edge of the road, guard rail, and trees to fall...down the cliff.... anyway, repair crews have arrived. Here is a view from my front porch

And here's what it looks like if you are standing next to one of those orange traffic barrels,

That muddy thing off in the distance is the Ohio River. Pretty wild, huh?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Crocheting on the Cliff

Another crochet get-together on the cliff! A few of my neighbors and I have been getting together once a month for a little cheese and crackers, a little crafting, a little show and tell! It's been so much fun! Kay (in the near white) already knows how to crochet and is making my Sunny Spread from Crochet Today Remember how I told you the day I met her she brought in that pattern saying it was the reason she bought the issue, and she had no idea that I lived in the area, designed the pattern and that we would meet mere days later? How cool is that?

On the couch is Dottie and Mo, both of whom are excellent sewers and crafters. I am teaching both of them to crochet (yay!). Dottie is also the senior trick water-skier of the United States at 70+. She is way cool. Mo is in accounting and uses her free time to volunteer with her Church. You all are so much fun!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Surprise Web site

Here's something you may not know, I visit the following website almost every single time I write a pattern. What could it be? Yarnstandards, yes, but not this time.
I go to Manuel's Web No, it's not scary, yes, your kids can view it, it won't get you in trouble at work.... it's a conversion site that helps me convert inches to cm! Exciting, huh? Maybe not, but very useful. Like I said, I have this site bookmarked and I refer to it every time I write a pattern when I am writing the sizing and gauge sections of my patterns.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Swatching for swimwear

First, here's a better photo of the Summertime Tote, published in Crochet Today May/June2008. It's their photo, way better than mine!

Swatching for swimwear is a little different than swatching for regular crocheted items. Here is how I do it:

1. I make a swatch
2. I trace it's size on graph paper in PENCIL (instead of measuring, it doesn't have to be perfect)

2. I weigh it on a cheap kitchen scale.
3. I make a note of it's "dry weight" on the graph paper.

4. I wash the swatch in cold water, delicate and leave it damp (don't dry it).
5. I weigh it wet and note it on the graph paper.

6. I trace it's size over the top of it's first tracing, this time I use pen or a different color pencil and note how much it shrunk or grew while wet.

7. I note if it seemed to lose any color.

8. I take an intuitive measure of "how heavy" it feels in my hand compared to it's size. (You know how fine China should feel light compared to how big it is...same goes)
9. Then I lay it flat on a towel to air dry.

10. After an hour, I go check to see how much it dried in an hour (imagine sitting on a beach, I'm wondering how long it would take to dry off. Too bad I can't factor in the sun!)

Then I make a decision, "Is this something I'd be willing to wear in public, in the water, or is this something that I would only sunbathe in?"
Hmm, anyone out there actually worn a crochet swim suit in the water? Tell me what happened!

Monday, April 7, 2008

sneak peek

Ahhh, a new one! Here's a sneak peek, though it will be quite a while until it's revealed. I know you can't tell, but it's purple with pale green, one of my all time favorite combinations.
I hope you all had a good weekend, we did! It was gorgeous here near Cincinnati. The kids were outside playing all day yesterday and came in covered in dirt and sweat, just like kids are supposed to. DH was home and tinkering around in the yard. We had dinner with my Step-Dad and Step-Mom, Hi Glenda! (my family tree is a long, not-so boring story, that I may not save for another day). It was great to see you two!
The kids had their final swim lesson and both advanced to the next level. Chickee even skipped a level. Chief conquered a particularly difficult 100 piece puzzle without any help.
My weekend was productive crochet-wise too, which always makes everything else better. More sneak peeks to come!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sneak peek, sorta

Hmmm, What do you think these are going to turn into (two different projects, that is)

This is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Chunky in Lakeview.

And this is TLC Cotton Plus

Just imagine the possibilities! It never ceases to amaze me, that we can take yarn, twist it, knot it, loop it and create something with one continuous strand (and sometimes more). Simplicity and Complexity in harmony!

I'm not Picasso or anything, but I'm totally identifying with his "Blue" period.

Friday, April 4, 2008

sneak peek

I made this, and tried it on, and left it on the rest of the day. Very comfy.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New knitting needles for me!

At the Gathering of the Guilds, I won this set of Silvalume/Bates knitting needles in a zippered case!

Yay me! It makes me want to knit!

Unfortunately, they'll just have to wait! Now, they are just sitting on my coffee table so that I can admire their organized completeness!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I've been tagged

My good crochet friend over at Jaybird Designs has tagged me!

Here are the rules:

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So, here ya go! Seven random things about me:

1. I have received over 100 rejections (crochet designs) in the past 4 years, I stopped counting about a year ago.

2. I'd rather have a milkshake than a scoop of ice cream alone.

3. I'm glad the novelty yarn trend is over.

4. I use both Bates and Boye hooks without a preference.

5. My first crochet design was a 3-D Rubik's cube when I was like, ten.

6. I have never crocheted broomstick lace.

7. I tried Hairpin lace briefly, but couldn't get into it, and I'll have to try again.

This is where I am supposed to "tag" somone, but I don't really have the time to look up and plug in the addresses, so consider yourself tagged!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Summertime Tote Revealed!

This shows you how long it takes from completed project to publication! See the Christmas tree? Back then, it was called the "Wintertime tote" (just kidding). I'm so creative, I had been calling it the 'hexagon tote'. I have one in light gray, dark gray and white that I use as a purse/backpack. Anyway, this is a fun tote for Crochet Today May/June 2008